When selecting a Header Range using .Select()
, Microsoft Word automatically switches to Draft View from my current view type (Print layout). How do I stop Word from switching to Draft View?
The following code example demonstrates what I'm doing:
// this.Document is a Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document
Section section = this.Document.Sections.First;
foreach (HeaderFooter header in section.Headers)
if (header.Exists)
header.Range.Select(); // When I call this, Word switches to Draft View.
Edit (3):
Apparently saving the View Type and resetting it does work. However, this causes a annoying flickering when Word switches to Draft View and then back to Print Layout. Additionally, when I double click in the main document space to get out of the header section, Word switches back to Draft View.
WdViewType viewType = this.Document.ActiveWindow.View.Type;
this.Document.ActiveWindow.View.Type = viewType;
The View.SeekView
property must be set for all view types excluding wdNormalView (Draft View) before the range is selected.
var window = this.Document.ActiveWindow;
// wdNormalView == Draft View, where SeekView can't be used and isn't needed.
if (window.View.Type != WdViewType.wdNormalView)
// -1 Not Header/Footer, 0 Even page header, 1 Odd page header, 4 First page header
// 2 Even page footer, 3 Odd page footer, 5 First page footer
int rangeType = range.Information[WdInformation.wdHeaderFooterType];
if (rangeType == 0 || rangeType == 1 || rangeType == 4)
window.View.SeekView = WdSeekView.wdSeekCurrentPageHeader;
if (rangeType == 2 || rangeType == 3 || rangeType == 5)
window.View.SeekView = WdSeekView.wdSeekCurrentPageFooter;