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How to create short urls without having database

Possible Duplicate:
how to shorten the url in a mathematical approach

Its a college django project.. where I can't really setup a database model to store dynamically generated URLs and redirect to short urls based on hashed primary key.. etc

I am thinking in lines of encrypting URL using some algorithm and decrypt on the server. Initially, I thought of using md5 hash but I guess we can't decrypt.

My actual URL would look like:

I am thinking it to convert into:

Then on server side I thinking to convert hksfhsfksuhkvbkjnukvns back to actual string.

Is there any Python Lib I have


  • You can go with url compression + encrypting/base64 approach.

    For compressing you can check python's zlib or any other lossless compression libraries (lzma, etc), then convert compressed binary string to ascii by base64. For your information, zlib + base64 for your url is worse than the original url.

    But the url may never be as short as you expect, simply because the url content have a lot of information, bad compression ratio, etc. So it's possible that this solution will never meet the need for applications with text length limit (like twitter).

    So If you wanna a REALLY short url, there must be somewhere to store the short-long pair.

    Keeping those in mind, and I googled for "url shortener" and a lot popped out.

    These are third party web applications just to do this job:

    Hope you can use a third party app, though.