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Open boxes with a custom padding value in J

Unboxing or opening boxes with different sizes causes padding with 0 for numerals and a space with literals:

v=.1 4 8 ; 2 6 4 ; 6 8 4 5; 7 8 9; 6 3 7 4 9

1 4 8 0 0
2 6 4 0 0
6 8 4 5 0
7 8 9 0 0
6 3 7 4 9

The fit (!.) conjunction is usually the thing to use for these things, but

>!. _1 v

Is not supported and throws a domain error.

I've got this, but with very large arrays it's not very fast:

(>./ # every y) {.!. _1 every y

Is there an efficient way to define the padding value for opening boxes?


  • Setting

    f =: 3 :'(>./ # every y) {.!. _1 every y'
    g =: _1&paddedOpen

    and (in the same spirit as your f):

    h =: 3 : '((>./# &> y)&($!._1))@> y'

    I get the following performances for time and space:

    (100&(6!:2) ,: 7!:2) &.> 'f L';'g L';'h L'
    │ 0.045602│0.0832403│0.0388146│

    where L is a large array:

    L =. (<@(+i.)/)"1 ? 50000 2 $ 10

    You can slightly improve f by making it terse; for example:

    f =: ] {.!._1&>~ >./@:(#&>)

    I don't think that there is much room for more improvements.