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Make extjs4 data store url dynamic based on the context

I have a grid and associated store which is used to display data about two different entities i.e. System and Customer . If the grid is shown after clicking on the System link, the url to use is /configuration/systemid/234 and if it is from customer link url should be /configuration/customerid/234. Note that the value 234 will also change. How can I achieve this in ExtJs4 MVC model.

is there a way to provide the url as below and replace the placeholders? url : '/configuration/{context}/{contextid}'

Or can I store the context in an object and use it here , like '/configuration/' + Context.type + '/' +

or is there a standard solution for this ?

The urls are given by backend dvlprs and can not be changed :(

i have the store defined as follows

Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
model: 'MyApp.model.Configuration',
autoLoad: true,
proxy: {
    type: 'ajax',
url : '/configuration/customerid/234'




  • var yourStore = Ext.getStore('yourStoreID');
    Context.type = customerid; = 234;
    yourStore.getProxy().setUrl('/configuration/' + Context.type + '/' +;

    I have used something like this before, as my store had different urls for GET and POST. So dynamically you can easily change the URL.