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How can I count the records from one table and populate a record with the value dynamically

I am using MS Access 2007.

I am collecting data of different types of businesses within a town area, arranged by streets, the business.

In TableA, I have a list of different specific streets, no duplicates, field: Street; and another, field: NumOfBusinesses.

In TableB, I have a list of different specific businesses, Business; and what street they are on, Street.




High Street
Sheep Street
Silver Street
Gold Street



McD's                    High Street
Hair Dresser             High Street
Shoeshop                 Gold Street

What I want to be able to do, is count the amount of business per street from TableB and add that into the TableA, corresponding to each street.

I have over 600 streets, so I don't want to have to manually go through each individual count and add it in manually.

Is there a type of query I can use, or even code I could put in as the default value of the "Num...sses" field, so it dynamically changes the query depending on the relevant street in the record?

So in essence, I want TableA to look like this automatically



High Street             2
Sheep Street            0
Silver Street           0
Gold Street             1


  • You can get the results from a query, so do you really need to update a field?

    SELECT Tablea.Street, Count(Business) 
    FROM TableA 
    INNER JOIN Tableb
    ON TableA.Street = TableB.Street
    GROUP BY Tablea.Street

    It is not usually recommended that you store calculated data.

    If you really must store the count, you can say:

    UPDATE tablea 
    SET numofbusinesses=
       DCount("*","tableb","street='" & Replace(street,"'","''") & "'")
    WHERE Street Is Not Null