To send a String through a DatagramPacket we use:
String msg = "example";
byte[]data = msg.getBytes();
DatagramPacket pktOut = new DatagramPacket(data, 0, data.length, dest, port)
How to send an array through a DatagramPacket ?
int num[] = {50,20,45,82,25,63};
//I need to send this over two packets, but I don't know how to deal
//with arrays when sending them
Thank you in advance
You could convert the Integer-array to a byte buffer using the ByteBuffer class.
int num[] = { 50 , 20 , 45 , 82 , 25 , 63 };
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( num.length * 4 );
for ( int i : num ) {
bb.putInt( i );
byte[] data = bb.array();