I originally started with Chillax, after Encountering so many problems so near to deadline, I went back to the IDE I am more familiar with, NetBeans, and I changed my approach to a more basic "Asteroid"-type game:
In NetBeans I get:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>(ImageIcon.java:205)
at gayme.Craft.<init>(Craft.java:27)
at gayme.Board.<init>(Board.java:54)
at gayme.Gayme.<init>(Gayme.java:9)
at gayme.Gayme.main(Gayme.java:19)
Java Result: 1
sources: (Craft 26 - 34)
public Craft() {
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("craft.png"));
image = ii.getImage();
width = image.getWidth(null);
height = image.getHeight(null);
missiles = new ArrayList();
visible = true;
x = 40;
y = 60;}
(Board 54)
craft = new Craft();
(Gayme 9)
add(new Board());
(Gayme 19)
new Gayme();
I have issues that I really need resolved and my sleep deprived brain is coming up with a loss on each. Feel free to help out on whichever game you'd rather. Thanks so much guys!
There are 3 methods:
A few things to remember about working with Jar files and resources located within:
JVM is case sensitive thus file and package names are case sensitive. i.e Main class is located within mypackage we cannot now extract it with a path like: myPackAge
Any period '.' located within the package name should be replaced by '/'
If the name begins with a '/' ('\u002f'), then the absolute name of the resource is the portion of the name following the '/'. Resource names begin with / when executing class and the resources are in different packages.
Lets put that to the test using my preferred method of getResource(..)
which will return the URL of our resource:
I create a project with 2 packages: org.test and my.resources:
As you can see my image is in my.resources while the Main class which hold main(..)
is in org.test.
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
public class Main {
public static final String RES_PATH = "/my/resources";//as you can see we add / to the begining of the name and replace all periods with /
public static final String FILENAME = "Test.jpg";//the case sensitive file name
* This is our method which will use getResource to extarct a BufferedImage
public BufferedImage extractImageWithResource(String name) throws Exception {
BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(this.getClass().getResource(name));
if (img == null) {
throw new Exception("Input==null");
} else {
return img;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
BufferedImage img = new Main().extractImageWithResource(RES_PATH + "/" + FILENAME);
} catch (Exception ex) {
If you play around with the names of the RES_PATH
without making appropriate changes to actual files you will get an exception (just shows yous how careful we must be with paths)
For your specific issue you have:
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("craft.png"));
it should be:
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/resources/craft.png"));
The Alien
and other classes also need to be changed.