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Is it ok to call a virtual method from Dispose or a destructor?

I can't find a reference to it but I remember reading that it wasn't a good idea to call virtual (polymorphic) methods within a destructor or the Dispose() method of IDisposable.

Is this true and if so can someone explain why?


  • Calling virtual methods from a finalizer/Dispose is unsafe, for the same reasons it is unsafe to do in a constructor. It is impossible to be sure that the derived class has not already cleaned-up some state that the virtual method requires to execute properly.

    Some people are confused by the standard Disposable pattern, and its use of a virtual method, virtual Dispose(bool disposing), and think this makes it Ok to use any virtual method durring a dispose. Consider the following code:

    class C : IDisposable {
        private IDisposable.Dispose() {
        protected virtual Dispose(bool disposing) {
        protected virtual void DoSomething() {  }
    class D : C {
        IDisposable X;
        protected override Dispose(bool disposing) {
        protected override void DoSomething() {

    Here's what happens when you Dispose and object of type D, called d:

    1. Some code calls ((IDisposable)d).Dispose()
    2. C.IDisposable.Dispose() calls the virtual method D.Dispose(bool)
    3. D.Dispose(bool) disposes of D.X
    4. D.Dispose(bool) calls C.Dispose(bool) statically (the target of the call is known at compile-time)
    5. C.Dispose(bool) calls the virtual methods D.DoSomething()
    6. D.DoSomething calls the method D.X.Whatever() on the already disposed D.X
    7. ?

    Now, most people who run this code do one thing to fix it -- they move the base.Dispose(dispose) call to before they clean-up their own object. And, yes, that does work. But do you really trust Programmer X, the Ultra-Junior Developer from the company you developed C for, assigned to write D, to write it in a way that the error is either detected, or has the base.Dispose(disposing) call in the right spot?

    I'm not saying you should never, ever write code that calls a virtual method from Dispose, just that you'll need to document that virtual method's requirement that it never use any state that's defined in any class derived below C.