I am writing a Rails 3.2 generator and would like to use Thor::Shell::Basic instance methods (e.g. ask
or yes?
) like they do in the official Rails guides on Application Templates.
module MyNamespace
class ScaffoldGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__)
if yes? "Install MyGem?"
gem 'my_gem'
run 'bundle install'
This will give me a NoMethodError: undefined method 'yes?' for MyNamespace::ScaffoldGenerator:Class
I cannot figure out a clean way to make those instance methods available - I am already inheriting from Rails::Generators::Base
Ah, it probably has nothing to do with Thor... I get a warning:
[WARNING] Could not load generator "generators/my_namespace/scaffold/scaffold_generator"
Something is not set up correctly although I used the generator for generating generators...
Oh, yes, it does have to do something with Thor.
Do not let yourself get confused by the warning. You know that Rails::Generators uses Thor, so walk over to the Thor Wiki and check out how Thor tasks work.
The rails generator execution will call any method in your generator. So make sure that you organize your stuff into methods:
module MyNamespace
class ScaffoldGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__)
def install_my_gem
if yes? "Install MyGem?"
gem 'my_gem'
def bundle
run 'bundle install'
Be sure to put your generator into the right folder structure, e.g. lib/generators/my_namespace/scaffold_generator.rb
Thanks for asking your question, dude!