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Adding javascript function to a grocerycrud add or edit form

Is it possible to add a javascript function to the add/edit forms of grocery_CRUD?

E.g. As a user is typing in a particular field when adding or editing a record I want to execute a javascript on the keydown event.

If so, how?


  • It is possible. For example, you call the view like this:

    $this->load->view('grocery_crud_view', $output);

    In the beginning of the view (grocery_crud_view.php), you can add any javascript

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascrpt">
           alert("there is a keyup");
    // The rest of default php code

    Most of the id of the grocery-CRUD view (if you use flexigrid theme) would be something like this : "field-your_field_name" You can inspect with firebug or google-chrome developer tools to ensure it.