am reading data from a user-supplied CSV file of unknown number of rows. I iterate through the rows and rather than individually insert each row individually into the database (potentially a performance hurting large number of inserts), I concatenate the values into a single string:
insert_values += ", (#{params[:quantity]}, #{'#{params[:name]}', '#{}')"
I then build the full sql query:
sql = "INSERT INTO `my_table` (`quantity`, `name`, `created_at`) VALUES"+insert_values
Finally, I execute it:
I want to make the data safe from malicious injection. What is the best way to do this?
Thanks for all the helpful advice which led me down my final path. I ended up changing my string to an array of values to take advantage of Rails built-in method, sanitize_sql_array after reading another post.
placeholders = []
insert_values = []
csvrow.each do |row|
placeholders << (?,?,?)
insert_values << params[:quantity] << #{params[:name]} << {
query_string = "INSERT INTO `my_table` (`quantity`, `name`, `created_at`) VALUES #{placeholders.join(", ")}"] + insert_values
sql = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query_string)