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Force a computed property function to run

Given a computed property

vm.checkedValueCount = ko.computed(function(){
  var observables = getCurrentValues();  //an array of ko.observable[]
  return _.filter(observables, function(v) { return v() }).length;

suppose getCurrentValues() can return different sets of observables which are modified elsewhere in the code (and comes from a more complex structure than an observableArray).

I need checkedValueCount to update whenever

  • one of its dependencies change
  • getCurrentValues() returns a different set of observables.

The problem is that ko.computed seems to memoize the last returned value and only update when a dependency updates. This handles the first case but not the latter.

What I'm looking for is a way to force checkedValueCount to re-run. Something which I can use like:


Put most simply, given that I have

a = ko.computed(function() { return Math.random() })

how can I force invoking a() twice to return different values.


  • I realized my first answer missed your point, and won't solve your issue.

    The problem is that a computed will only reevaluate if there is some observable that forces it to re-evaluate. There is no native way to force a computed to re-evaluate.

    However, you can get around this with some hackery by creating a dummy observable value and then telling its subscribers that it has changed.

    (function() {
        var vm = function() {
            var $this = this;
            $this.dummy = ko.observable();
            $this.curDate = ko.computed(function() {
                return new Date();
            $this.recalcCurDate = function() {
        ko.applyBindings(new vm());

    Here is a Fiddle showing this approach