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Can Eclipse GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework) be used to create a standalone modeling IDE?

I want to create a graphical modeling application.

I've been working on all the drag and drop functionality and then I thought about GMF/EMF, but it is used to create Eclipse plugins, at least from what I've seen at:

What can I do with GMF? Using GMF, you can produce graphical editors for Eclipse. For example, a UML modeling tool, workflow editor, etc. Basically, a graphical editing surface for any domain model in EMF you'd like.

My question is if it is also possible to create stand alone applications with this framework (one that does not need Eclipse to run?) and if not do you know of any useful framework for this purpose?


  • You can use GMF to create a so-called RCP application (rich client platform), as described in part 4 of the GMF Tutorial. The resulting editor will be much smaller and more light-weight than a full eclipse, but also quite limited; e.g. I found it impossible to add additional (custom) views other than the editor window, properties and outline view.

    Note: I have not used this myself (just tinkered a bit) and I am not sure, how mature this is.