(ExtJS 3.3.1)
How can I save the scroll position of a grid after I call grid.store.reload()?
I managed to fix it like this:
this.store = new Ext.data.Store({
'load':function (store, records, options) {
var restoreScroll = function(scrollState){
if (grid.view && grid.view.scroller){
_.delay(restoreScroll, 10,grid.getView().getScrollState());
}, ...
As you can see, I use _.delay (of the underscore.js framework). It's just like a setTimeout.
A more optimized version, not using the the function 'restoreScroll' didn't work out. I think that the view is changed when restoreScroll is called. I had to take 10 miliseconds. 1 was not enough. As stated by others, ext.js uses a lot of defer-calls.