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How do I get the top revision number for a branch from SVN repository?

I'm using this code snippet for finding top revision number from svn but my page is not responding. It keeps on searching only

using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient())
    SvnInfoEventArgs info;
    Uri repos = new Uri("svn://india01/repository/branches/mybranch1");
    client.GetInfo(repos, out info);
    lblMsg.Visible = true;
    lblMsg.Text = (string.Format("The last revision of {0} is {1}", 
           repos, info.Revision));

I want to fetch the top revision number from the mybranch1 which is in the svn repository at svn://india01/repository/branches/mybranch1.


  • here we need to add the SharpSvn Api dll reference into c# project. link for SharpSvn package download and then follow the below link for example code for getting top revision number

    SvnInfoEventArgs statuses;
    SvnClient client = new SvnClient();
    client.Authentication.Clear();//clear a previous authentication
    client.Authentication.DefaultCredentials = 
        new System.Net.NetworkCredential("usr", "pass");
    client.GetInfo("svn://india00/Repo/branches/xyz", out statuses);
    int LastRevision = (int)statuses.LastChangeRevision;`

    add references as

    using SharpSvn;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;`