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Installed Emacs evil. How do I start it?

Just out of curiosity, I wanted to try emacs + evil. Here's what I've done so far:

  • Installed emacs 24 on Windows 7 -- went well

  • Created an .emacs file in C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\ (where .emacs.d ended up)

  • Added the following to that .emacs file

    (setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "")
                             ("gnu" . "")
                             ("marmalade" . "")))
  • started emacs then M-x package-list-packages

  • selected evil, evil-leader, evil-numbers with i then x to install

  • restarted emacs

Evil shows as installed in package-list-packages and the evil files are present in .emacs.d\elpa, but evil doesn't seem to be loaded when I start emacs (No <N> in the status bar).

JUST starting with emacs. Not managing to get much out of it except for a lot of beeps. Want to start simple and use it for a few days before possibly moving forward with further extensions.


  • You should add following s-expressions to your .emacs.

    (evil-mode 1)        ;; enable evil-mode