I have a comment resource nested in a post resource.
def create
@post = Post.find(params[:post_id])
@comment = @post.comments.build(params[:comment])
@comment.ip = request.remote_ip
if @comment.save
redirect_to post_path(@post, notice: "Comment was successfully created")
flash[:alert] = "Comment could not be created"
render 'posts/show'
This all works well enough, but I have a nag item in that when the posts/show page with the comment form re-renders, it shows the comment that didn't pass validation inline. I'd like to know the correct way to do this, short of performing some logic in the view layer to not display a comment that isn't saved.
I ended up solving it in the view, because I couldn't find any other solution
<% @post.comments.each do |c| %>
<% unless c.new_record? %>
<strong><%= "#{c.name} wrote: " %></strong><br />
<blockquote><%= c.body %></blockquote>
<% end %>
<% end %>