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Creating a boost::thread with boost::bind() or without

Some people seem to launch boost::threads using the boost::bind() function, like in the accepted answer of the following question:

Using boost thread and a non-static class function

Whereas other people don't use it at all, like in the answer with the most upvotes of this question:

Best way to start a thread as a member of a C++ class?

So, what's the difference, if it exists?


  • As you can see by the code below that compile and gives the expected output, boost::bind is completely unnecessary for using boost::thread with free functions, member functions and static member functions:

    #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    void FreeFunction()
      std::cout << "hello from free function" << std::endl;
    struct SomeClass
      void MemberFunction()
        std::cout << "hello from member function" << std::endl;
      static void StaticFunction()
        std::cout << "hello from static member function" << std::endl;
    int main()
      SomeClass someClass;
      // this free function will be used internally as is
      boost::thread t1(&FreeFunction);
      // this static member function will be used internally as is
      boost::thread t2(&SomeClass::StaticFunction);
      // boost::bind will be called on this member function internally
      boost::thread t3(&SomeClass::MemberFunction, someClass);


    hello from free function
    hello from static member function
    hello from member function

    The internal bind in the constructor does all the work for you.

    Just added a few extra comments on what happens with each function type. (Hopefully I've read the source correctly!) As far as I can see, using boost::bind externally will not cause it to also double up and be called internally as it will pass through as is.