I would like to implement "indexing and querying kv data" as described in the Riak docs at http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/cookbooks/Riak-Search---Indexing-and-Querying-Riak-KV-Data/.
While there is a little documentation about how to setting up indexing using the HTTP API, the documentation of basho lacks any information on how to query such indexed kv data using the HTTP API. Apparently it is not working like when i index contents from the file system, at least i did not get it to work like that.
Could anybody help in posting some simple examples using cURL? Thanks in advance!
When querying Riak Search over HTTP I believe you have 2 options, which are described in greater detail here. The easiest one is probably to use the Solr compatible interface, but it is also possible to feed Riak Search results to a MapReduce job and get the results that way.