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How to list all existing users using Riak admin-shell?

In Riak, how do I retrieve a list of currently existing users? I can't seem to find it anywhere on Stack Overflow.


  • This info can be accessed at any time:

    riak-admin security print-users

    Example output, assuming user named riakuser with an assigned password:

    | username | groups |       password       |           options            |
    | riakuser |        |983e8ae1421574b8733824|              []              |

    Note: All passwords are displayed in encrypted form in console output.

    If you’d like to see which permissions have been assigned to riakuser, you would need to use the print-grants command.

    The security print-user (singular) command can be used with a name as argument to see the same information as above, except for only that user.

    See basho/docs Security Basics for more information on user management.