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Using maven replacer plugin to list files in a folder

I'd like to use the maven-replacer-plugin to replace $file-list$ in a file with a comma separated list of files in a folder of my project. Is this possible?



  • Here is what I did :

    using the antrun plugin create a temp file with the list in it :

                        <fileset id="my-fileset" dir="src/main/resources" />
                        <pathconvert targetos="unix" pathsep=","
                            property="my-file-list" refid="my-fileset">
                            <map from="${basedir}\src\main\resources\" to="" />
                        <echo file="${basedir}\target\file-list.txt">${my-file-list}</echo>

    then using the replacer plugin I replace the list in the file that I want :


    I'm sure there must be a better way, but hope this helps someone.