I have an object with a property implemented like
public String Bla {get;set;}
After changing the implementation to something like
private String _bla;
public String Bla
get { return _bla; }
set { _bla = value; }
on deserialzation, this Property comes up empty.
i have lots of serialized data from the old implementation, and would like to load them with the new implementation
is there any way, to change the implentation to be compatible with older binary files?
Some people might run into the same problem, so here's my hackish solution:
the autogenerated fields have a naming convention that is non-valid c# code:
private string <MyField>k__BackingField;
public void set_MyField(string value)
this.<MyField>k__BackingField = value;
public string get_MyField()
return this.<MyField>k__BackingField;
the quick and dirty fix for me was to create a private backing field called xMyFieldxK__BackingField
in the source,
and patching the serialized binarydata by replacing all occurences of <MyField>
with xMyFieldx
before deserialisation
Try implementing ISerializable
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
if (info == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
info.AddValue("name of compiler generated field", _bla);