I created a looping tween using Greensock javascript and I got it to loop using a function, maybe this is not the best way to loop, if you know a better way please advice, but basically when I try to kill the tween using this method, it doesn't work.
My code:
var dvdTween;
function playDVD()
dvdTween = TweenMax.to($("#bigDVD"), 4, {css:{rotation:+1440, transformOrigin:"150px 150px"},ease:Expo.easeNone, delay:7, onComplete:playDVD});
/// Later in a function I call
dvdTween.kill(); /// but this does nothing.
Again, there may be a better way to loop a tween, and this may be my issue, but as of now this tween keeps on calling the function after I "kill" it.
Thanks for your tips and help.
Your code should indeed work - I'd love to see an example set of files that shows it not working. I wonder if you're running into a scope issue or something - are you sure "dvdTween" is referencing the tween in the context you're calling it? Try adding onCompleteScope:this to your tween.
Two other tips:
1) You can loop a TweenMax infinitely by setting repeat:-1, like:
TweenMax.to($("#bigDVD"), 4, {css:{rotation:1440}, repeat:-1});
2) You can kill all the tweens of a particular object using TweenMax.killTweensOf() like: