Does anyone ever faced the integration of Etch.js in a Backbone.Marionette.js application?
I'm having issues binding the save event. This is the code for my Marionette view:
MyApp.module('Views', function(Views, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
Views.DetailsView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: '#details',
initialize: function(options) {
_.bindAll(this.model, 'save'); // I think the problem is related to the binding
events: {
'mousedown .editable': 'editableClick'
editableClick: etch.editableInit
and in my template I have something like the following:
<div id="detail-expanded">
<p>Description: <span class="editable">{{ description }}</span></p>
The plugin is loaded correctly, if I click on the field I can see the Etch buttons bar, I can edit the content of the element made editable and if I click on the save button I'm actually able to trigger the model save() method.
The problem is that the model submitted is the original one, without the edits that I did to the field. I think it's a binding problem, any ideas?
Thanks in advance, as always.
So, the problem here is not really related to marionette, it's that etch doesn't handle moving the data from the editable field to the model. I should be more explicit about that in the docs. What you want to do is create a save function on the view that does this for you like so:
Views.DetailsView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: '#details',
initialize: function(options) {
_.bindAll(this, 'save');
events: {
'mousedown .editable': 'editableClick'
editableClick: etch.editableInit,
save: function() {
// populate model attrs from dom
var title = this.$('.title').text();
var body = this.$('.body').text();{title: title, body: body});
Sorry for the confusion. I can see how the docs are misleading in this regard.