so I give up...been trying to do this all day;
I have a string that supplies a date and time in the format dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm
(04/12/2012 07:00
I need to turn that into an Epoch date so I can do some calculations upon it. I cannot modify the format in which the date time is sent to me.
JavaScript or jQuery is fine.
JavaScript dates are internally stored as milliseconds since epoch. You just need to convert it to a number, e.g. with the unary +
operator, to get them. Or you can use the .getTime
The harder will be parsing your date string. You likely will use a regex to extract the values from your string and pass them into Date.UTC
var parts = datestring.match(/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4}) (\d{2}):(\d{2})/);
return Date.UTC(+parts[3], parts[2]-1, +parts[1], +parts[4], +parts[5]);
This will yield 1354604400000 ms
for your example date.