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Making my XNA sprite jump properly

I have been having great trouble getting my sprite to jump. So far I have a section of code which with a single tap of "W" will send the sprite in a constant velocity upwards. I need to be able to make my sprite come back down to the ground a certain time or height after begining the jump. There is also a constant pull of velocity 2 on the sprite to simulate some kind of gravity.

// Walking = true when there is collision detected between the sprite and ground

if (Walking == true)
    if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
            Jumping = true;

if (Jumping == true)
        spritePosition.Y -= 10;

Any ideas and help would be appreciated but I'd prefer a modified version of my code posted if at all possible.


  •     public class Player
          private Vector2 Velocity, Position;
          private bool is_jumping; 
          private const float LandPosition = 500f; 
          public Player(Vector2 Position)
             this.Position = new Vector2(Position.X, LandPosition); 
             Velocity = Vector2.Zero;
             is_jumping = false; 
          public void UpdatePlayer(Gametime gametime, KeyboardState keystate, KeyboardState previousKeyBoardState)
           if (!is_jumping)
             if (keystate.isKeyDown(Keys.Space) && previousKeyBoardState.isKeyUp(Keys.Space))
            if (Position.Y >= LandPosition)
               is_jumping = false; 
           Position += Velocity; 
         private void do_jump(float speed)
                is_jumping = true; 
                Velocity = new Vector2(Velocity.X, -speed); 

    fun little mix of psuedocode and some real code, just add the variables that I didn't include at the top.

    Also check out Stack Overflow Physics ;) Good luck with your game.

    edit: that should be complete, let me know how things go.