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Create image form byte array , add it in a PDF and email by backend job

My question is that how can we create image form byte array without response. currently I am using .

response.setHeader('Content-length', image.imageSize)
            response.contentType = image.imageFormat // or the appropriate image content type
            response.outputStream << image.imageData

but it gave error because we done have an request object as I am running this by back end job


  • Don't know how you are creating your pdf files at the moment, but one way would be using the Grails Rendering Plugin for pdf generation. With this, you could use any view/template to generate a pdf file.

    To send these pdfs from backend you'll need:

    A View:

            <h1>Your PDF Content</h2>
            <g:each in="${images}" var="image">
                <img src="${createLink(action:'displayImage',}" alt="${}"/>

    An action in your controller:

    def displayImage = {
        def image = Image.get(
        response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=${}")
        response.contentType = image?.mimeType
        response.contentLength = image?.data.length

    A grails job that sends the multipart mail (using the mail plugin ) with the rendered pdf:

    def execute() {
        def pdfBytes = pdfRenderingService.render(template: '/path/to/your/template', model: [images: yourImages]).toByteArray() 
        sendMail {
            multipart true
            to "yourmail"
            subject "yoursubject"
            body (view: "/path/to/your/mailview", model: yourModel) attachBytes "yourTitle.pdf", CH.config.grails.mime.types['pdf'], pdfBytes

    The code is not complete, it just demonstrate the basics.

    Hope that helps!