I am trying to use CEDET (checkout from bzr) with emacs 24.2, but every time I try to open a buffer, including my .emacs file, I get the error:
Idle Parse Error: "#<buffer .emacs> - Wrong number of arguments: #[(old new when) \"\\303 \\304#\\210\\303\\305#\\210\\303\\306\\307#\\210\\303\\310#\\207\"
[old new when put overload-obsoleted-by overload-obsoleted-since mode-local-overload t overload-obsolete] 4 (\"/home/sebas/.emacs.d/cedet/lisp/cedet/mode-local.elc\" . 14156)], 2"
And if I run semantic-debug-idle-function it returns nothing (or I don't know how to use it). How else could I debug this? The configuration file is practically the same as from Alex Ott, the only "idle" mode in semantic-default-submodes is 'global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode.
I would really like to use CEDET, as I remember it was quite awesome. Thanks for any help.
You have some old macros from mode-local lying around. Please make sure that
you have CEDET properly compiled, that means you did run 'make' and it finished succesfully
you don't also have CEDET installed through your system's package manager
you are loading CEDET right at the beginning of your init file
If all of this does not help, please post your problem to the CEDET-devel mailing list, together with the init file you are using.