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How can I adjust parameters for image processing algorithm in an efficient way?

Before starting implementation of solution for my problem I just want to be sure if I will not “reinvent wheel” and if I can reuse work that someone have done before. So my problem is:

I have made image matcher using OpenCV library. This matcher receives a set of image files and trying to find similar images in database. At the end it returns statistical results according to ROC Curves definition (True Positive, True Negative, False Positive and False Negative number of matches). These results can vary because of OpenCV’s library algorithm parameters values, which are about 10. This means that parameters adjustment will bring to more True Positive matches and to less False Positive matches. As I have to adjust more or less 10 parameters, brute force adjuster will be very slowly. By brute force I mean:

While(param1 < 50){
  While(param2 < 50){
    While(param3 < 50){
      param3 +=2;
  pram1 +=5;

What I want to do is to choose parameters randomly and then analyze if statistical results are becoming better. Then this analysis will help to alter method which is randomly generates parameters in order to choose better parameters.

So my question is if there is library in Java or if there is any AI algorithm, which will return better parameter set based on evaluation of True Positive and False Positive values?

Could appreciate some help, thanks.


  • Hill Climbing

    You could try some stochastic optimization algorithms, e.g., Hill Climbing, in which you start with a random solution (like @Don Reba pointed out) and look at the set of neighboring solutions for those that are better with respective to the cost function. I will use some sample python code to explain the idea.

    Get neighbor solutions

    For neighbors in your case, you can use a simple function like:

    n_params = 5  # number of parameters
    upper_bound = 5  # upper limit of your parameters
    lower_bound = 0  # lower limit of your parameters
    def get_neighbors(solution):
        neighbors = []
        for i in range(n_params):
            x = copy.deepcopy(solution)
            if x[i] < upper_bound:
                x[i] += 1 # increment one of the components
            x = copy.deepcopy(solution)
            if x[i] > lower_bound:
                x[i] -= 1 # decrement one of the components
        return neighbors 

    If you have a current solution of [1,3,4,2,2], by incrementing or decrementing any of the components, you get 10 different neighbors as below:

     [2, 3, 4, 2, 2],
     [0, 3, 4, 2, 2],
     [1, 4, 4, 2, 2],
     [1, 2, 4, 2, 2],
     [1, 3, 5, 2, 2],
     [1, 3, 3, 2, 2],
     [1, 3, 4, 3, 2],
     [1, 3, 4, 1, 2],
     [1, 3, 4, 2, 3],
     [1, 3, 4, 2, 1]

    Here we assume every parameter is an integer. You could achieve more granularity by adjusting the step size (e.g., 0.05).

    Iterations of hill climbing

    def hill_climb():
        initial_solution = np.random.randint(lower_bound, upper_bound, n_params)
        current_solution = initial_solution
        print 'initial solution', initial_solution
        current_cost = get_cost(initial_solution)
        step = 1
        while True:
            #try to replace each single component w/ its neighbors
            lowest_cost = current_cost
            lowest_solution = current_solution
            print 'hill-climbing cost at step %6d: %d' % (step, lowest_cost)
            neighbors = get_neighbors(current_solution)
            for new_solution in neighbors:
                neighbor_cost = get_cost(new_solution)
                if neighbor_cost < lowest_cost:
                    lowest_cost = neighbor_cost
                    lowest_solution = new_solution
            if lowest_cost >= current_cost:
                current_solution= lowest_solution
                current_cost = lowest_cost
                step += 1
        return current_solution

    Cost function

    For completeness, I will use my own cost function (just for a demo purpose), which is

    f(x) = x1^1 - x2^2 + x3^3 - x4^4 + x5^5

    That is :

    def get_cost(solution):
        cost = 0
        for i,param in enumerate(solution):
            cost += (-1.)**i * param**(i+1)  
        return cost

    Optimization result:

    Here is the result. We use a random initial guess of [4, 0, 1, 3, 1]. After 14 steps (evaluation of 14*10 = 140 neighbors), we find the optimal answer of [0, 5, 0, 5, 0] which minimize the cost. For brute force, you have to evaluate 6^6 = 46656 solutions. Much more running time could be saved while you have a high dimensional solution.

    Note since this is a stochastic method, local minimum is found as the final result (though sometimes it's identical to the global minimum, it's not guaranteed). However practically it's good enough.

    initial solution:               [4 0 1 3 1]
    hill-climbing cost at step      1: -75
    hill-climbing cost at step      2: -250
    hill-climbing cost at step      3: -619
    hill-climbing cost at step      4: -620
    hill-climbing cost at step      5: -621
    hill-climbing cost at step      6: -622
    hill-climbing cost at step      7: -623
    hill-climbing cost at step      8: -624
    hill-climbing cost at step      9: -627
    hill-climbing cost at step     10: -632
    hill-climbing cost at step     11: -639
    hill-climbing cost at step     12: -648
    hill-climbing cost at step     13: -649
    hill-climbing cost at step     14: -650
    Final solution:                 [0 5 0 5 0]

    Related post

    A related but more complex question is here: Algorithm for selecting n vectors out of a set while minimizing cost

    All codes above can be found here.