I am trying to create a text-based adventure game. I managed to figure out how to make text output in html's textarea through simple onclick
button, but now I am trying to do something new. I am having trouble with doing same thing but with input text where users can write anything in the box and then click on the button. Right now, I am trying to make this program to check the user input against some flag (in this case, I set my flag equal to 'pizza') before it does something. Unfortunately, my code doesn't work at all. I think I don't completely understand how the input is being passed around in JavaScript's functions.
The JavaScript part:
function record(test) {
var input = document.getElementById('filename');
fileName = input.value;
if (fileName == "pizza") {
var obj=document.getElementById(test);
obj.value="is this showing up in the textarea???";
else {obj.value="wrong password!"; }
The html part:
<input name="filename" id="filename" type="text">
<a id="record_button" onclick="record('textarea1');" href="javascript:void(0);" title="Record">Perform Action</a>
<textarea wrap="virtual" cols="73" rows="10" id="textarea1"></textarea>
Add an event listener using JS:
Also, there were a couple things wrong with your function. Here it is with corrections:
function record(test) {
var input = document.getElementById('filename');
fileName = input.value;
var obj = document.getElementById(test);
if (fileName == "pizza") {
obj.value = "is this showing up in the textarea???";
else {
obj.value = "wrong password!";
on the second line, which is incorrect capitalisationobj
conditionally, so the else clause always threw an exception.Here is a demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/uQpp7/1/