I have this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/y9mhE/3/
Now I want to make the canvas control fit the parent div. Since it inherits enyo.control I should be able to use the 'fit' property, but that does not seem to work.
is this a bug, or am I missing something
( http://enyojs.com/api/#enyo.Canvas )
The canvas control has a width and height property (default 500), maybe this overrides the fit property?
I must include code here, so:
name: "App",
kind: enyo.Control,
fit: true,
components: [
The fit property does not belong to the enyo.Control kind, it can only be used inside a fittable kind. So change your apps kind to "FittableColumns" or "FittableRows" (or set layoutKind of "FittableColumnsLayout" or "FittableRowsLayout"), like this:
name: 'App',
kind: 'FittableColumns',
/* or:
kind: enyo.Control,
layoutKind: 'FittableColumnsLayout', */
components: [
name: 'canvas',
kind: enyo.Canvas,
fit: true // works now because of parents fittable layout
I updated your fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/y9mhE/7/