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Is it possible to exploit a javascript math function that allows PEMDAS?

I have a form field on my page, which if the user types a simple math equation into it, I would like to replace the value with the solution. So if the user types 1 + 2 into the field and hits enter I replace the input value with 3.

Currently I only evaluate the equation if it matches this regex:

/^[\d. \+/\*-]+$/

That is, if the entire string is made up of digits, spaces, plus, minus, multiply, or divide characters.

I then eval the value like such:

(new Function('try {var a = ' + val + '; return a;} catch(e) {return -1;}'))()

This form field can be pre-populated by a query string param and the client will attempt to execute it. AKA a potential atack would be I don't want users to be able to link to exploiting code.

I would like to add parenthesis and exponents to the regex so the user could put in (1 + 2) / 3 ^ 5 for example. While I'm fairly certain no exploits are possible with just numbers and operators, I'm not sure about a case with parenthesis.

I am aware that using only combinations of the characters ! [ ] + ( ) you can create a fully executable javascript program. I have also tried searching for "javascript exploit characters" and various combinations in Google but it's not a straightforward thing to find.

My specific question is can an arbitrary javascript program be written using only 0-9 . + - / * ( ) ^ (space character allowed)? Since it is a bit open ended, if no example can be provided after a few days, I'm fine closing this question.

I am NOT implementing nor making a parser to do this. That is irrelevant to the question


  • The answer to the question is no, it is impossible to create an arbirtary program using the given inputs, including parenthesis. In order to create a program, you must be able to create strings. The closest you can get with these restrictions is NaN and Infinity however it is impossible to cast either of those to a string without allowing for quotes or braces.

    tl;dr you are blocked because you can't make strings.