I was wondering what the best way is to batch a given set of numbers in terms of a processing time.
Take items: 9, 18, 7, 8, 4, 9, 11, 15, 3, 8,
(item 1 has a processing time of 9, item 2 has a processing time of 18, etc.)
If the batch processing time limit is set to say 20, then a possible grouping of the items into batches would be:{1, 3, 5} {2} {4, 6} {8, 9} {7, 10}
(group 1 is 9+7+4=20) etc so 5 batches of items have been made where the contents are <= 20.
Ideally i want it to sort them into as fewer groups as possible. Above's case is a minimum of 5 groups with a content limit of 20...
If the batch processing time limit is set to say 20,...
So I assume that there is no element greater than batch processing time limit. Here is my approach:
Implementation in Java:
int[] input = { 9, 18, 7, 8, 4, 9, 11, 15, 3, 8 }; // Input items.
Arrays.sort(input); // Sort the items.
int left = 0, right = input.length - 1; // Left and right pointers.
int remainder = 0, limit = 20;
// list of groups.
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> list = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
while (right >= left)
ArrayList<Integer> subList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Add the current maximum element.
if (right == left)
remainder = limit - input[right];
// Add small elements until limit is reached.
while (remainder > input[left]) {
remainder = remainder - input[left];
remainder = 0; // Reset the remainder.
Printing the groups:
for (ArrayList<Integer> subList : list)
for (int i : subList)
System.out.print(i + " ");
Output: (Each line denotes a group of numbers)
15 3
11 4
9 7
9 8