For class I am creating a simple client/server. The client opens a jframe, where the user enters the host and port number. If a connection is made, another jframe is opened that has a keylistener. What is typed on the client's side is displayed in the server's jtextarea. I am able to make the connection between client and server, but after this I run into null pointer exception right after. I assume I should be using something else than bufferedreader in my server, or if I could stop the server from reading in until something is actually entered? Or am I doing something else completely wrong? Any help would be appreciated, and the relevant code is below.
public class TypeServer extends JPanel {
BufferedReader lnr;
public TypeServer(Socket soc) throws IOException {
InputStream inStream = soc.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(inStream);
BufferedReader lnr = new BufferedReader(isr);
//below is in the main function
try {
ServerSocket srv = new ServerSocket(5555);
Socket soc=srv.accept();
while (true) {
// Create server
TypeServer tc = new TypeServer(soc);
String line=tc.lnr.readLine();
EDIT: I apologize for not including this before, but the String line=tc.lnr.readLine(); line hits the null pointer exception
In your main you are using the instance variable
String line=tc.lnr.readLine(); //lnr is not initialized
You have to change the following
BufferedReader lnr = new BufferedReader(isr); //initializing the local variable
this.lnr = new BufferedReader(isr);