I'm using jQuery Tokenizer (http://loopj.com/jquery-tokeninput/) and am trying to add placeholder text like a normal input would have.
I've tried putting the text in the typical placeholder
tag element like this:
<input data-autocomplete-source="http://localhost:3000/city_to_zips" id="account_town" name="city_to_zip_id" placeholder="Enter city..." type="text" style="display: none; ">
but, clearly, the tokenizer is hiding that input.
Method 1: Quick and dirty way, would be to add the placeholder attribute directly into the input that is created in your jquery.tokeninput.js file:
// Create a new text input an attach keyup events
var input_box = $("<input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\" placeholder=\"Enter city...\">")
Method 2: Add placeHolderText as one of the default settings. First add the parameter into the DEFAULT_SETTINGS e.g.:
placeHolderText: 'Enter City...',
then add the following:
.attr("placeholder", $(input).data("settings").placeHolderText)
.attr("id", $(input).data("settings").idPrefix + input.id)
By default the placeholder text will be "Enter City...", you can override this when setting up the tokeninput e.g.:
$(function() {
$("#account_town").tokenInput("http://example.com/search", {
'placeHolderText': 'Enter Town...',
See pastebin (changes are on lines 31, 244)