If i have a concurrent dictionary, and i try a TryGetValue, and i test if that fails i do stuff, but if it doesn't fail, and the out value retrieved from the TryGetValuefunction is equal to what is was before i tried the TryGetValue, i do something else.
My Question is, (assuming nothing in my ConcurrentDicationary will ever be set to default(DateTime)), will my second if statement ever actually execute? or is it impossible given the current situation?
var m_unitsWaitingForReadResponse = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, DateTime>();
DateTime outVal = default(DateTime);
if (!m_unitsWaitingForReadResponse.TryGetValue("teststring", out outVal))
//Do Stuff
if (outVal == default(DateTime))
//Do Stuff 2
The MSDN documentation states that TryGetValue
will return default(TValue)
if the key doesn't exist in the dictionary. So yes, it should execute.
You can test the return value of TryGetValue
instead by simply using an else
clause on the first if
, like this:
m_unitsWaitingForReadResponse= new ConcurrentDictionary<string, DateTime>();
DateTime outVal = default(DateTime);
if (!(m_unitsWaitingForReadResponse.TryGetValue("teststring", out outVal)))
//Do Stuff
//Do Stuff 2
I assume that your ConcurrentDictionary
object will contain data at some point, using code not seen here.