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How to change folder icons (eg. the source folder) in common navigator view in an eclipse-rcp application?

As you can see in the title of this post I have a question concerning folder icons in a common navigator view used by an eclipse-rcp application.

Is it basically possible to change the icon of a standard folder in the navigator view? My goal is to change the icon of the source folder of a created project. It is important to mention that there is an own created project nature.

So every created project with that specific nature should have a custom icon for the source folder, but actually I have no idea where I am able to modify that icon.

So the question is: Which part of the rcp-application is responsible to handle these icons? Since there is a specific project nature, I would say that the nature should add these customizations, right?

Folder icon I would like to change

Here you can see the default folder structure. I would like to change the icon of the src folder.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



For more information, please visit this link.

(1) Add the extension point:

<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.decorators">
    label="Source Folder Decorator"
    class= "at.fhjoanneum.segof.wsmleditor.natures.decorators.SourceFolderDecorator"
      Source Folder Decorator

(2) Create the decorator class:

    public class SourceFolderDecorator extends LabelProvider implements ILabelDecorator {

        public SourceFolderDecorator() {

        public Image decorateImage(Image image, Object element) {
//return the image
            return null;



  • In order to change the image of any object in the navigator, you can use a label decorator. Check the org.eclipse.ui.decorators extension point.