Search code examples

Handling HTTP status Ajax response

I am attempting to integrate the Instapaper Simple API into something but I am struggling to understand how to handle the response that the API sends back in Javascript. The article is adding to Instapaper just fine so I know that the submission is working just not my response handlers.

This is the code I have so far and I'm guessing that the success function is not the correct way of handling the response.

    type: 'GET',
    url: url,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    success: function( data, status ) {

    error: function(status) {
        alert("oh noes");
return false;

Instapaper returns a 201 when the article has been added. I can see that in the Google Chrome Network tool that the GET returned a 201 status. Just wondering how I handle that status within the code above.


Edit When I click the link to activate the code below it pops up the alter under the error function right now even though it has worked.


  • jQuery.ajax() provides statusCode map for such purposes:

        type: 'GET',
        url: url,
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        statusCode: {
          200: function( data ) {
          201: function( data ) {
        error: function(status) {
            alert("oh noes");