(I'm using C#, not VB.NET)
Set jmail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.Message")
jmail.AddRecipient "myRecipient@hisdomain.com", "Mr.Example"
jmail.From = "me@mydomain.com"
jmail.Subject = "Here's some graphics!"
jmail.Body = "A nice picture if you can read HTML-mail."
' The return value of AddAttachment is used as a
' reference to the image in the HTMLBody.
contentId = jmail.AddAttachment("c:\myCoolPicture.gif")
' As only HTML formatted emails can contain inline images
' we use HTMLBody and appendHTML
jmail.HTMLBody = "<html><body><font color=""red"">Hi, here is a nice picture:</font><br>"
jmail.appendHTML "<img src=""cid:" & contentId & """>"
jmail.appendHTML "<br><br>good one huh?</body></html>"
' But as not all mailreaders are capable of showing HTML emails
' we will also add a standard text body
jmail.Body = "Too bad you can't read HTML-mail."
jmail.appendText " There would have been a nice picture for you"
jmail.Send( "mailserver.mydomain.com" )
This is the only example I can find to send a html email via jmail.
But as you can see here, it's a image file.
My case is I will generate a image and send it directly without saving it as a file.
So are there anything I can do for this purpose? I really don't want to save it and then send it then delete it.....
Many thanks
There is a way... use embedded base64 CSS3 images like :
.myImage {background: url(...)}
And reference this in your HTML code as a DIV tag. No file needs to be saved at all.