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Movement through argument list

I'm a C++ programmer using a setup consisting of cc-mode and CEDET and of course our beloved emacs (v24.2).

A feature I'm missing is a function that moves point fast through a list of arguments. Consider this example:

void takesManyArgs( int a1, int a2, int a3, std::pair<int,int> a4, int a5 ){  
    // does something nifty!  
// [...]
takesManyArgs( b1, b2, b3, make_pair( b4, b5 ), b6 );

Where point is just before the first int. Now I'd like to an easy way to quickly move through the list of arguments, i.e. a forward-argument (and backward-argument aswell) function that moves right before the first non-whitespace character past the comma (the argument separator).
I have written a small function that does it but it's not quite the way I'd like it work:

(defun arg-forward ()  
  "Move point forward in the file until we hit an argument separator, i.e. comma, colon or semicolon."  
    (re-search-forward "[,]")))  

In principle this function just jumps to the next comma. That's not the behaviour I want.

I'd like a function that:

  • Edit: Jumps to the next argument separator (i.e. comma for C++) and places point just after that argument separator
  • Checks whether there's a whitespace after the comma; in case there's one, point is moved to the first non-whitespace character (i.e. instead of ,| int it will look like , |int where | marks point)
  • Stops at the end of the argument list and prints a message (e.g. "At end of argument list")
  • Stays within its "scope", i.e. it'll go from |int b3 to |make_pair( int b4, int b5 ) to |int a6 where | marks point

Any help from you elisp "hackers" is appreciated!

Edit: Added some clarification.
Edit2: Fixed that example "Code"


  • This function seems to do what you requested:

    (defun arg-forward ()
      "Move point forward until we hit an argument separator, the comma, colon, semicolon"
      (condition-case nil
          (let ((separator-regexp "[,:;]"))
            (while (not (or (looking-at (format "[ \t]*%s" separator-regexp))
                            (save-excursion (forward-char -1)
                                            (looking-at (format "[]\"')}]*[ \t]*%s " separator-regexp)))))
            (if (looking-at separator-regexp)
                (forward-char 1))
            ;; going forward one sexp and back puts point at front of sexp
            ;; essentially skipping the whitespace, but also ensuring we don't
            ;; jump out of a larger closing set of parentheses 
            (forward-sexp -1))
         (message "At end of argument list"))))