I am trying to vertically center some text in an ExtJS Panel. I have this as a kludge but I want to know the right way?
var instructions = new Ext.Panel(
height: 40,
items: [
html: '<br>To access an Aircraft Profile, please highlight a row in the table and select the N-Number hyperlink displayed in the summary below the table'
Here is what I ended up implementing using the answer below:
var instructions = new Ext.Panel(
height: 40,
layout: 'hbox',
layoutConfig: {
align: 'middle'
items: [
xtype: 'displayfield',
value: 'To access an Aircraft Profile, please highlight a row in the table and select the N-Number hyperlink displayed in the summary below the table'
I think you should be able to set your panels layout as 'hbox' and use pack 'center' or alternatively nest a container within the panel with hbox layout and pack center.