I'm attempting to create more dynamic slider so I've created a custom datatype which one includes fields like Caption, Text, Link, Image, StartDate, EndDate, Active,
etc... I hope I'm in the right path.
Now I need to retrieve active entries. How can I get the necessary entries?
You query data using LINQ through the Get method on the Composite.Data.DataConnection
class - dataConnection.Get<T>()
where T is your data type wield an IQueryable.
Below is code that will query a data type named Your.Data.Type, filtering on the Caption field and selecting Caption, Text, Image and StartDate.
using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection())
var myData =
from d in connection.Get<Your.Data.Type>()
where d.Caption == "My Caption"
select new { d.Caption, d.Text, d.Image, d.StartDate };
On the Composite C1 documentation website you can read more about accessing data with C#.
If you are not into C# you can use either Visual Functions or XSLT Functions.