I have a complex Java EE 6 app with a web module, an EJB module and some utility jars.
I want to do some integration tests with Junit. Therefore I use the openwebbeans cdi container (Thanks to Mr. Struberg http://struberg.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/controlling-cdi-containers-in-se-and-ee/) It works perfectly. I can start a complete cdi container in a Junit test.
My problem is that I have some interceptors in my application which cannot run in a Junit test (MQ-, persistence- and transaction-interceptors). So I want to mock these interceptor implementations.
Does anybody know how to do this?
To whom it may concern ;-)
At the end I solved my issue with clean Java EE techniques. I provided a method which observes the ProcessAnnotatedType event. This method evaluates the type which is processed and if it is one of my interceptors, then I veto the processing.
public void processAnnotatedType(@Observes final ProcessAnnotatedType<?> event, final BeanManager manager) {
if (event.getAnnotatedType().getJavaClass().equals(PrivilegeCheckingInterceptor.class)) {