I had successfully implemented the pinterest pin it button on my site, but it has recently stopped working. Could anyone tell me why?
My website is http://www.lookbookcookbook.com and I am using the following code
<div class='w2bPinitButton' expr:id='"w2bPinit-" + data:post.id' style='display: none;visibility: hidden;height: 0;width:0;overflow: hidden;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
thumb: "<data:post.thumbnailUrl/>",
id: "<data:post.id/>",
defaultThumb: "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-YZe-IcKvGRA/T8op1FIjwYI/AAAAAAAABg4/j-38UjGnQ-Q/s1600/w2b-no-thumbnail.jpg",
pincount: "horizontal"
Looks like you have managed to sort out your issue?
If not this link may be helpful or to others that want to implement it in their Blogspot site.