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jQuery infinite Carousel: Slide # 2 replaced by Slide # 3 on first iteration

I am building an infinite jQuery carousel. Infinite being that it shows the first slide right after the final slide is shown to the user. To achieve this, I make this little tweak in the post complete callback function

$('#slide li:last').after('#slide li:first').

This basically what makes the infinite slideshow happen. However, it messes up the second slide in particular. At the very first iteration of going from slide 1 to slide 2, slide 2 gets replaced by slide 3 (and it happens really quickly) . Every subsequent iteration works fine with slide 2 rendering itself as slide 2 and not slide 3.

To further understand this example, please take a look at the following js fiddle that captures all the necessary HTML, CSS, jQuery.

jsfiddle for jQuery infinite carousel/slideshow

Anybody know what's up :) ?


  • Its happening because upon the completion of the animation you're removing an li from the beginning of the ul and putting it at the end, thus reseting the left_indent by a multiple of 1 element.

    A simple fix is to do $('#slides ul').css({'left': 0}); instead of $('#slides ul').css({'left': -item_width});
