The info page doesn't mention this declaration. I found uses where it is set to either 1, 2 or 3, but what other options are possible? What exactly does it do?
On the surface of it, it looks like the digit means the number of lines after the macro name to indent further right, but in that case, how do I tell it to indent all forms as the first one?
(declare (indent 1))
does this:
(with (a b c))
(for i from 0 to 5)
(collect i)
(message "i: %s" i))
(declare (indent 2))
does this:
(with (a b c))
(for i from 0 to 5)
(collect i)
(message "i: %s" i))
(declare (indent 256))
(or just any large enough number) does this:
(with (a b c))
(for i from 0 to 5)
(collect i)
(message "i: %s" i))
I would like to do the last one, except for providing an arbitrary large number. Is there any way to tell "all" or some thing to that effect?
It's in the manual:
C-hig (elisp) Indenting Macros
Linked to from the index entry for declare
, FYI. (Emacs 24.2.1)