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Positioning issue in ExpressionEngine cms

I have a positioning issue with my in expression engine. click Here On the following link I am looping elements with <div id="services-container"> I have noticed it loops fine on the first row however begins to misalign on the second row. I have made attempts to use the switch="" tag to create an individual class for each loop, see below:

{exp:channel:entries channel="services" dynamic="no" sort="asc|desc"}
    <div id="services-container" class="{switch='1|2|3|4|5|6'}">
        <div class="service-content">
            <img src="{service_image}" alt="banner" alt="{alt}" class="service-banner">
            <ul class="service-credentials">

            <ul class="service-credentials">
            <a href="#">View related projects &raquo;</a>
    </div><!--SERVICES CONTAINER-->

When i try to class these classes out in my style sheet nothing is happening. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong?


  • This involves ExpressionEngine but also css. Basically you are trying to create a grid with 3 items in each row, correct ?

    Each of these "row" has to adopt a float containment strategy, since it only contains 3 floated items. The way I would go about it using the switch parameter:

    {exp:channel:entries channel="services" dynamic="no" orderby="date" sort="asc"}
            {if "{switch='one|two|three'}" == "one"}<div class="row">{/if}
                    <div class="item">
            {if "{switch='one|two|three'}" == "three" || count == total_results}</div>{/if}

    That code would include a div with a class of row every three items in that loop.

    Then, if your items are floated, your rows must have some sort of float clearing strategy to contain them like overflow:hidden; or a clearfix method.