I have two date pickers which are connected to each other as when I change the date of the first picker the second ones date is also changed automatically , the two pickers have a listener called on date change listener, as follows
public class birthDate extends Activity{
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
int currentYear = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int currentMonth = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int currentDay = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
TextView birthDatetv;
DatePicker birthDayDatePicker,periodDatePicker;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
birthDatetv = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textViewDateBirth);
birthDayDatePicker = (DatePicker)findViewById(R.id.DatePickerBirthDay);
periodDatePicker = (DatePicker)findViewById(R.id.DatePickerPeriod);
periodDatePicker.init(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay, new OnDateChangedListener()
public void onDateChanged(DatePicker periodDatePicker, int currentYear, int currentMonth,int currentDay) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
birthDayDatePicker.init(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay, new OnDateChangedListener () {
public void onDateChanged(DatePicker birthDayDatePicker, int currentYear, int currentMonth, int currentDay) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
As I mentioned before, the pickers are connected, so when I change one picker date the other is also changed so the two listeners for the two date pickers will be invoked,, I just want the listener that is involved with the picker that the user changed its date to be invoke ,, Any idea how to do that ?
Here is the methods that the listeners do if it may help
public void birthDateCalculations ()
Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance();
int periodYear = periodDatePicker.getYear();
int periodMonth = periodDatePicker.getMonth();
int periodDay = periodDatePicker.getDayOfMonth();
start.set(periodYear, periodMonth, periodDay);
Date periodDate = start.getTime();
int daysToAdd = 280;
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH,daysToAdd );
System.err.println("-----" +cal.getTime());
int birthYearAfterCalc = cal.getTime().getYear()+1900;
System.err.println("birthYearAfterCalc-----" + birthYearAfterCalc);
int birthMonthAfterCalc = cal.getTime().getMonth();
System.err.println("birthMonthAfterCalc----" + birthMonthAfterCalc);
int birthDayAfterCalc = cal.getTime().getDate();
//user edit period to get birth
if( periodDay <= currentDay && periodMonth <= currentMonth && periodYear <= currentYear){
//the program runs normally
birthDayDatePicker.updateDate(birthYearAfterCalc, birthMonthAfterCalc, birthDayAfterCalc);
else {
new AlertDialog.Builder(birthDate.this)
.setTitle("Wrong Data Input!")
.setMessage("Error in period date input")
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,
int which) {
periodDatePicker.updateDate(currentYear,currentMonth, currentDay);
birthDayDatePicker.updateDate(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay);
public void periodDateCalculations ()
Calendar start2 = Calendar.getInstance();
// get the chosen date from birth date picker
int birthYear = birthDayDatePicker.getYear();
int birthMonth = birthDayDatePicker.getMonth();
int birthDay = birthDayDatePicker.getDayOfMonth();
//set the chosen date to calendar instance
start2.set(birthYear, birthMonth, birthDay);
//get the date
Date birthDate = start2.getTime();
//int constrain = currentMonth + 9;
int daysToAdd = -280;
//another instance from calendar
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
//set birth date chosen to calendar
//add -280 day to birth day to get period date
System.err.println("-----" +cal2.getTime());
int periodYearAfterCalc = cal2.getTime().getYear()+1900;
System.err.println("periodYearAfterCalc-----" + periodYearAfterCalc);
int periodMonthAfterCalc = cal2.getTime().getMonth();
System.err.println("periodMonthAfterCalc----" + periodMonthAfterCalc);
int periodDayAfterCalc = cal2.getTime().getDate();
//edit birth date picker from user
if(birthDay >= currentDay && birthMonth >= currentMonth && birthYear >= currentYear){
//the program runs normally
periodDatePicker.updateDate(periodYearAfterCalc, periodMonthAfterCalc, periodDayAfterCalc);
new AlertDialog.Builder(birthDate.this)
.setTitle("Wrong Data Input!")
.setMessage("birth day input error")
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,
int which) {
birthDayDatePicker.updateDate(currentYear,currentMonth, currentDay);
periodDatePicker.updateDate(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay);
what you could do is set the corresponding listener to null when the other one takes action, and then after the task, you could turn it back on.
for example:
periodDatePicker.init(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay, new OnDateChangedListener()
public void onDateChanged(DatePicker periodDatePicker, int currentYear, int currentMonth,int currentDay) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
birthDayDatePicker.init(currentYear, currentMonth, currentYear, null);
// ^here you turn back on that init command that we have just set to null.
not a glamorous solution, but perhaps you can make heads or tails of it.