I just wanted to define a custom DataTemplate
for my ListView
in order to show some data of a class.
In an earlier project (c#, .net 3.5, wpf) I had something like this:
<Style x:Key="Custom_ComboBox_Style" TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}">
<Setter Property="ItemTemplate">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1} Members">
<Binding Path="Name"/>
<Binding Path="MemberCount"/>
Unfortunately this doesn't work in my current WinRT project :(
I searched google and found out that WinRT has no MultiBinding
I couldn't find any solution to this problem until now.
Any idea(s) how to solve this and achieve a similiar DataTemplate
like the one above?
Thanks in advance!
Try this:
<Setter Property="ItemTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" Margin="0,0,20,0" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding MemberCount}" Margin="0,0,5,0" />
<TextBlock Text="Members" />