I'm using Nimbus Look and Feel, I know how to change for example, the tooltip color, by using this code:
UIManager.put("info", Color.white);
But how can I change the icons (minimize, maximize and close) to another icon/png file?
Here is the the key of the close button: InternalFrame:InternalFrameTitlePane:"InternalFrameTitlePane.closeButton"[Enabled].backgroundPainter
the same as info
back there.
And here is the site with all Keys: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/_nimbusDefaults.html#primary
Looks like a ugly Hack, but works for me.
JComponent title = ((BasicInternalFrameUI)myInternalFrame.getUI()).getNorthPane();
for (int i = 0; i < title.getComponentCount(); i++) {
JComponent component = (JComponent)title.getComponent(i);
if(component instanceof JButton) {
JButton button = ((JButton)component);
if(button.getName() == null) continue;
if(button.getName().endsWith("closeButton")) {
if(button.getName().endsWith("maximizeButton")) {
if(button.getName().endsWith("iconifyButton")) {